Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Collaborating on Cultivation: Our Journey Through Discovering Our PLNs

Callie and I got together to reflect upon our learning over the semester as we cultivated our PLNs. We had a lot of fun creating this presentation and hope you enjoy it, too!

Friday, May 3, 2013

Popplet's for Everything! (A Visual Representation of Sir Ken Robinson's "The World We Explore"

I created a Popplet (my new favorite technology tool) to organize and share a visual representation of my thoughts while watching Sir Ken Robinson's talk entitled "The World We Explore". I hope it makes sense to more than just my brain.... Enjoy!


(I know, I know, providing a link is way less cool than embedding the actual popplet into this post, but the embed code provided wouldn't work.... the "joy" of technology)

Oh wait... I think it worked!!!